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Nikko and Olivia Cerda

Dear Nikko,

You have been my rock for the last 15 years and have continued to be my best friend through all the ups and downs.
Your love for others and selfless personality is so inspiring.
Whether it’s our late night drives to Sonic, 1 a.m. dance parties in the kitchen or even our silent car rides to school in the mornings, I love and cherish every moment I spend with you.
When I’m having a bad day, I know I can always count on you to make me smile or laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
You are by far the second funniest person I know (myself being the first of course).
I have loved watching you grow up and turn into the young man you are today, and I can’t wait to see everything you accomplish in the future.
I may be four hours away next year, but remember I’m only a FaceTime away.
I love you forever and ever, my Nikko Bear!

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