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Jackson and Raegan O’Connor

Dear Jackson,

I can’t believe you’re already almost a sophomore. I am so grateful to have you as my brother, and so happy I got to be here as a senior for your freshman year. I have loved (almost) every minute of it. I will for sure miss driving you to and from school, whether it’s fighting over the aux cord or your drive home naps. But, I definitely will not miss waiting for your football practice to get out.
You have been one of my best friends since the day you were born, always being the brother I can go to and complain to. Or, the one to go with me to the store, so I don’t have to go by myself. I have loved to watch you grow into the amazing person you are today. I admire your love for others, your determination and your passions for the things you love. I hope to one day have as much drive as you do. I am so proud of you in all you do and will miss you incredibly when I leave for college.
Don’t stop sending me stupid videos and memes even though I won’t be home. And remember that I’m here for you no matter what (call me anytime). I love you, Jackie.
Your favorite sister

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