Every vote counts: Underclass students should be able to vote on the courts at school dances
The 2022 king and queen candidates pose. Sophomore Isabella Dessert argues that all students should be able to vote for the king and queen candidates.
December 13, 2022
The flashing lights on the football field shine on the bright tiara as the prom queen is being crowned. However, underclassmen sit in the cold bleachers watching the fun pass them by.
Opening voting to more grade levels allows for a more equitable court election for each dance.
Due to the fact that Miege is already a school with about 150 students per grade, allowing more grade levels to vote would offer a wider range of students to get involved.
According to homecoming and prom coordinator Angela Lueckenotto, having a homecoming king is a more recent tradition.
Allowing room for new traditions with school events such as dances opens the school to an environment that is accepting of change.
Freshman and sophomores are less familiar with the school and more importantly, the upperclassmen on the court.
These students have fresh eyes and have seen the candidates in their ongoing lives including activities and interests that they currently have.
Having this variety of students vote ensures a more fair and equal chance for each student on the court.
New traditions are nothing new to Miege.
According to Lueckenotto, crowning a homecoming king is a new tradition as of fall 2020 to try to add something fun during COVID-19.
It is still very important that the school preserves its old traditions that have been around for years.
“An old tradition is having the homecoming pep assembly and the homecoming kids get to dress up,” Lueckenotto said. “The homecoming queen from the prior year also comes back to crown the new queen.”
Traditions are very important to Miege and should be kept to keep its unique environment.
Allowing underclassmen to vote ensures students of all sports, clubs, and extracurriculars are offered a fair chance.
Having a variety of students crowned creates a diverse range of students to be shown throughout the school’s history.
Even though sophomores can vote during homecoming, they are not allowed to vote for prom as only juniors and seniors attend.
Allowing sophomores to vote is beneficial because they have seen the juniors and seniors grow throughout the year as well.
Freshmen participating gives them a voting experience they will use throughout the many school dances to come during their next four years.
Allowing underclassmen to vote creates a wider range of students to vote on the court as well as give useful experiences to students.